Tuesday, June 20, 2023

#AUSTRALIA: August Vote On Special Aboriginal Voice In Parliament Approved

[world politics news]

Australia’s House of Representatives voted overwhelming last Wednesday for a referendum to be held this year on creating an Indigenous Voice to Parliament, an advocate aiming to give the nation’s most disadvantaged ethnic minority more say on government policy.

While the Voice would advocate for Indigenous interests, it would not have a vote on laws, and debate for and against the elected body has become increasingly heated and divisive.

Labor Party Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, who supports the referendum and creation of the position,  celebrated on twitter: 

BREAKING: Parliament has just said yes to holding a referendum. Now the Australian people will have a chance to say yes. 

Together, we can make history by enshrining recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in our constitution."

But Opposition leader Peter Dutton  (Liberal)   told Parliament the proposal would permanently divide Australians by race. “It will have an Orwellian effect where all Australians are equal, but some Australians are more equal than others,” Dutton said.


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