Tuesday, May 07, 2024

GERMANY: Right-Leaning Party Leader Found Guilty of Sedition After Citing Gov't Stats on Afghan Rapes

[world politics news]

The Verden regional court confirms a judgment against Rotenburg  district Alternative for Germany leader Marie-Thérèse Kaiser. She was found guilty of sedition because she is said to have stirred up hatred against Afghan local staff.

Although judge Heiko Halbfas did not accept the defense’s request to call Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser to the witness stand, it took almost seven hours on Monday until he announced the verdict: Rotenburg AfD district leader Marie-Thérèse Kaiser has was guilty of incitement when she linked Afghan local Bundeswehr staff to gang rape in a social media post almost three years ago.

“Anyone who attacks human dignity cannot invoke freedom of expression.” said Halbfas. 

Kaiser warned of “culturally alien masses”

In August 2021, a few weeks before the federal election, Kaiser wrote on a so-called tile on her social media accounts: “Afghanistan refugees; Hamburg SPD mayor for ‘unbureaucratic’ admission; Welcoming culture for gang rape?”

[FULL STORY HERE] (in German)

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