Tuesday, June 22, 2021

#PAKISTAN: PM Khan Blames Clothes Women Wear For Rise In Rapes

[world politics news]

Pakistan Prime minister Imran Khan drew flak after he once again blamed a rise in the cases of sexual violence on how women dress in the country. 

"If a woman is wearing very few clothes, it will have an impact on the men, unless they are robots. It’s just common sense," Imran Khan said in an interview with 'Axios on HBO'. "This is cultural imperialism. Whatever is acceptable in our culture, must be acceptable everywhere else. It's not," he added.

Khan's comments in the interview have caused outrage on social media, with opposition leaders and journalists expressing anger and disgust against the misogynistic ideology.

"Nadia," who identifies herself as a dentist from Karachi, tweeted:

"Someone needs to sit Imran Khan down and educate him on sensitivity towards issues like rape. He should have absolute clarity in his views which should solely hold men accountable without pointing towards women in the slightest."

Pakistan has faced a crisis in violence against women in recent years.


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